Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What's your WORD?...

My father-in-law had a great sermon on Sunday while we were visiting for the Holiday. I was not in church (heathen) as I was home with a way-too-energetic 2-year old who would never last in a church with no wee-one place-to-go. I am also VERY picky as to where and with whom I leave my children so even if there WAS a wee-one room, unless I saw the volunteers' criminal history print out and background check, I would not be comfortable. Anyway, my point was in what I heard from my husband about the sermon. "The WORD for 2008" Can you sum up all of your resolutions with one word? After dinner tonight we all sat around the table...the youngest of us ran around the table...and talked about many things and we ended on this subject of WORDS. My husband reported that his word was INVEST...He is resolving to invest more money this year to add to our nest egg, to invest in our family with his time, to invest in the people around him with his friendship and to invest in our church with his heart for leadership. I told my sweet family that my word was HEALTH...I will be making healthier choices for myself as well as while doing the shopping, packing of lunches and preparing of meals. This word will also follow through to my banking as I will resolve to keep better track of my transactions and I will be making better choices as far as spending...i.e. less Starbuck's - YOUCHEE! My oldest son determined that his word would be HELP...He has a heart for others and is always so quick to shed a tear for those who are hurting or less fortunate. He is also a very good helper around the house and is resolving to take the initiative to do more without being asked. My good boy! My daughter's word is SAVE...and she does it well! She has chosen to continue her habit of being the frugal gal of the family and sock away money for....ummm....what exactly do 9-year olds save their money for? Actually, the mention of a car and college came up. Did you think about saving for these things when you were 9? Me neither. I gloat! I am so proud of her. My baby, my last born, my out-of-breath two-year old was now riding his trike around the table as we wrapped up our conversation and my husband asked, "What's your word, little buddy?" My newly verbal wee one appropriately yelled, "GO! GO!" That's his word. GO! I would love to hear what your WORD is for 2008! Join our chat about it and leave a comment!


nomi said...

Hi Michelle! I found your page through the awsome BECAUSE I SAID SO blog! I've been keeping up with Julian's story. I haven't been able to get into his care page for some reason, so I was thrilled to see on your blog that he had such a wonderful New Years day. So, this influences my word for the year (which I think is a great idea, by the way!) My word is PRAY. I used to be very consistant with prayer, I talked to God all the time. Lately I haven't been so close. This year I'm going to concentrate on prayer, for my friends, family, and perfect strangers. Please tell Julian's parents that there is one more person out there praying for their baby, I won't let them down.

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Nomi...I just FWD your comment to Mimi. I am sure she will smile at your words!

Good for you. It is so gard to find the time to pray but then I think....sheesh, what if God said, " I just don't have the time to give you breath today, sorry."

I think HEALTH will also encompass my Spiritual Health! Thanks for the tie-in!

God bless!

Kalynne Pudner said...


Tracy Rambles On And On said...

My word would have to be MORE. I want to have more patience, cook healthy, family meals more, take care of myself more. I do these things now but I do just enough to get by not enough to excell. So I need to do more.
Thanks for making me think!

Kelly said...

This is going to sound selfish, but I think my word is going to be MYSELF. I will take some time out for myself, since it is sooo easy to burn out giving all my time to work, hubby, and 2 little kids. I will relax more on vacations instead of going nuts making sure everyone is having a good time except me. I will get back into quilting, and join a group like Project Linus. I have already told my hubby that HE is going to pick up the kids once a week from daycare (I drop them off AND pick them up...and I have an hour commute besides), so I can have some time to go shopping (grocery shopping doesn't count), or get a haircut, or do something without kids and hubby in tow. And finally, I will study for the CRM (Certified Records Manager) exams, and take them, so that I can move up in my career.

I will also ask for more hugs and kisses from my kids, but I'll be sure to give them back.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

My word would have to be PATIENCE...with my husband, my kids, my friends and with myself! I am not a patient person so this will be tough for me!

ELLIE said...

I picked a word for this year...have blogged about it in one of my blogs..but will blog about it in my art word is PEACE...peace within myself, around me, and what I put out!!!
thanks for sharing it all!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I read this last night following the fun over at BEAUSE I SAID SO.
While reading about all the food, I wanted to grab some chocolate. Then I came here and saw your Julian update and remembered to skip the chocolate for someone other than me. (btw, in order to stick to this, I skip skipping chocolate on Sundays :))
So, glad to hear he is hanging in there.
Also, I wanted to reply here last night, but drew a complete blank.
When I came downstairs this morning, it hit me when my son told me his breakfast was a pepperoni and cheese quesadilla - CHOICES.
I was just about to hit him with the comment about making better food choices, when I CHOSE not to get into it with him now... wait til later.
Choosing more prayer, choosing to let it go if it's the small stuff, choosing to see the good every day, choosing to be thankful, better food choices for self and family... you get the idea.
I love everyone else's words so far, too, even the "selfish" one - because it's true.

Can I ask a favor on this - can you point us back to this post in the summer (or even in a month) as a little reminder? You know how easy it is to let this "resolution" type stuff slide out of mind.

Thanks for getting me thinking - KR

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

nomi - if you come back to visit these comments - email me - Mimi wants to help you get on the Care Pages....

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle - My word is GRATITUDE. I have resolved (and I'm not usually a person who makes New Year's resolutions) that I am going to be more grateful for everything in my life. I have been very influenced by Julian's story and Mimi's incredible grace and strength, and, most importantly, faith. My children and I pray every night for Julian and two other children that we know of who also have cancer. There is something about childhood cancer, when you are a parent, that just cuts into your soul. I have vowed to try and appreciate each day, just to do my best and remind my children often how blessed we are as a family. It's funny (and it's only been like 2 1/2 weeks now, because I actually started back at Christmas), but it's really working for me. Not to say that we still don't have our moments, don't get me wrong. But I have felt more peaceful inside. I'm also working on my gratitude to God, even when I don't understand why there is so much awfulness in the world...

Thanks for sharing your family's words (I have to say, my favorite is the baby's! I think he would get along well with my Carson, who is just turning two...)


Kathy said...

Hi Michelle,

I appreciated your idea to sum up our New Year's goal in one word. I haven't done a resolution for a long time, but I think this year my word would be LISTEN. I want to take more time to LISTEN to my children (they have amazing things to say if I only take the time), to really LISTEN to my husband without thinking of what I'm going to say next and then of course LISTEN to my God. This year I know he has something amazing to reveal to me, I just have to stop and LISTEN.

Thanks Michelle.

God bless,

Julie Stiles Mills said...

Michelle, I'm new to your blog. Found you over at Mommy Needs Coffee and was inspired to post my response to the "one word" resolution over on my blog. Thanks for the idea! I've subscribed to your blog and am looking forward to reading!