Tuesday, January 22, 2008

OK, my praying friends...

Dear friends,
Our Mimi needs us now MORE than she ever has. She is hurting so badly and she needs our prayers!
She writes: "Empty shell are the words that came to my mind today as I laid my eyes on Julian's so very still body. It made it so real, so final... I felt like I was at the wax museum, it looked like Ju but it was just a cold, hard ,wax copy of Julian . It wasn't him , how could it ? Surely I left him at home playing with the boys... Seeing him laying in his caskett was unbelievably painful, my heart cracked a little more, a little deeper. I won't EVER get to hold my child again, EVER... Nothing is more final than that."
Julian's viewing is Wednesday night from 6-8pm at their church and his funeral is Thursday at 11am where yellow balloons will be released. (yellow was Juju's favorite color)
You can read his obituary and sign his guest book here.
You can join the near-thousand people and light a candle for him here.
I am hoping that everyone reading this will post a picture of Mimi and/or Julian on their blog and ask your readers to pray for the strength she will need not just in the coming days but in her lifetime without her baby Ju. PLEASE.


Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

I'll keep praying for Julian's family and will do a post for them tomorrow!

Julie said...

I'm going to dress myself & my girls in yellow Thursday in remembrance of Julian.

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

I posted for you and for the Avery's. Michelle, you are an incredible person! Watercolor classes tonight! If I finish my project I promise to post it! Thank you so much for all your encouragement.

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Stick my daughter and granddaughter on your "list"...see my post for more details. Thanks!

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Thank you so much for sending people over there...this is my first time to your blog and I am so glad that I came here tonight. That family is in my prayers...

Take Care,

Lucille said...

Thanks you for the links. I am heading there now.

Prayers for the family will be nightly.

michelle said...

I clicked on your blog to check you out after seeing your comment on mine. Not sure how you connected to mine but that is this blog world. I read through your posts on Julian...I did not figure out who he is or your relation but I found myself in tears at the loss of his precious life. I am so sorry...to lose a child, a baby at that- only 4 1/2 years old....I can't imagine the pain your friend is going through. Our prayers are with her and her family!

Jen said...

Praying strong and hard for her right now! My heart goes out to her.

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

I will put a post up for them tomorrow. I can't even begin to imagine what they must be going through.
I hadn't been able to get online for a few days due to computer problems and was so sad to hear that he had passed.
The picture of Mimi and Julian is so precious. Please let her know that we are thinking of her and praying for them!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

My heart just breaks for the pain Julians mother must be feeling!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Thank you for having Macy Sue hand deliver my prizes. I love em! Be on the lookout in your mailbox for your next surprise. On it's way now.

MelissaQ said...

I have just posted a blog about King JuJu. I added a song that I think fits this sad occasion. Rest in peace you sweet ANGEL, you are now in the Kingdom of God!

Unknown said...

What great things you are doing just telling about Julian and his family and all the prayers you have sent their way. Bless YOU!

Beth is wfg said...

I hadn't heard about Julian or his family until today, when I followed your link over from Laskigal's comments. I'm in tears for Julian's family....for the many thins I know the family will be facing in the aftermath of Julian's life and death. I lost one of my children in 2002, after two years of fighting for his life. In any case, maybe Julian's mom will read this and realize there are others out there who can relate....and who are willing to talk about it. My best to you, Michelle, for sharing his story, and to Mimi and her family.

Anonymous said...

We pray for the Avery's each night. I read something that summed up why we can all relate to Mimi "Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know". The Avery's are family in my heart...always remembering the lil man.