How does he choose, Momma? He matched the color of your heart to mine. A perfect match.
I am a blogging mom of three who sums up her chaotic days with humorous rants in between cleaning peanut butter off the ceiling fan and keeping my youngest occupied in the lazy Susan. Put your feet up and laugh at me. My neighbors do!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Newest picture book excerpt...
I am counting the days until our adoption is final! So excited!
I have always told our little man "his story" - how much he understands at two, I am not sure. But I always wanted to write a picture book that would make adoption magical in a child's eyes. It is magical to me as the mom, but I want him to always know what a miracle his placement in our home was and continues to is an excerpt from the work-in-progress...
What is in her belly, Momma?
A baby, my sweet.
How did it get in there?
God took little pieces of Heaven and tossed them into the air. They fluttered and fell to the earth and nestled themselves into the bellies of many different women.
Sounds scary, Momma.
Not scary, my love. A miracle. A sweet, sweet miracle.
Was I in your belly, Momma?
You, my dear, grew in your first momma’s belly.
But how did I find you, Momma?
What a wonderful story. It was God. God helped you to find me.
How, Momma?
God chose for us to be a family. Your forever family.
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This is a book YOU'RE writing? I need to share this excerpt with my best friend Heather (Hud & Shep) her kiddos are both adopted.
Yep...just got a rejection from an agent...wanna be my agent??? :)
Beautiful! Karrie
Congrats!! I love your excerpt..I would love a copy when you get it published!!! We need more adoption children's books our there!!
How sweet!
Tonight's forecast....chance of ego with slight swelling of the head.
Thanks y'all!
I have 3 nephews who are adopted. They are no less part of our family than my other nieces and nephews. Beautiful!
Well Michelle you brought s tear to my eye with your words. You need to find a way to publish some books on your own and sell on E-bay and by word of mouth. Seems to me you have already sold several right here! Skip the agent! Keep praying IT WILL HAPPEN. You have to much talent and love to share for it NOT to happen.
Well Michelle you brought s tear to my eye with your words. You need to find a way to publish some books on your own and sell on E-bay and by word of mouth. Seems to me you have already sold several right here! Skip the agent! Keep praying IT WILL HAPPEN. You have to much talent and love to share for it NOT to happen.
I was directed to your site from juliansworld. I loved the cheesy cross story. And now I find myself reading your beautiful words about adoption. Thanks.
That was very touching - brought a tear to my eye, too!
This is your year girl. I feel it in my bones. Don't give up.
Wow Kemper, did I ever have the Birds and Bees all wrong! LOL
May I be the first to buy a copy of for me, but another for Steve. It's hilarious, Offspring is blasting on my PC and he is banging his head back and forth. My little rocker!
How did your agent reject that? I think that must be the most beautiful story about adoption that I've read. I'll be your agent!
Oh Michelle . . . that was lovely, just lovely!!!! Gave me chills because I love it so much. So beautiful.. You are amazing and so inspiring!
A perfect description of adoption! I feel exactly the same way about my boy. Don't give up; each rejection is one step closer to the acceptance.
That is wonderful! My sis gave her first up for adoption & it's turned into the best thing ever! He's now 16 & they have a strong bond between the's a VERY open adoption - He considers her other children his sibs & calls our parents g'ma & Pa.
Just found your site through Mimi's site. We are in the process of being approved for adoption. Already, your book clip brings tears to my eyes. I love it and want to read more!! Must remember to check back for when you get it out there and I get to buy it from a store shelf! I'm sold!!!
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