I am a blogging mom of three who sums up her chaotic days with humorous rants in between cleaning peanut butter off the ceiling fan and keeping my youngest occupied in the lazy Susan. Put your feet up and laugh at me. My neighbors do!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Gotta love the CHALK...

Namesake Order Pad Closed...and a SECRET!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
NAMESAKES...custom orders OPEN
MORE 4 the kids...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
HEATHER RICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
disowned you...
LOVE THE JEWELRY! You are a wonderful artist!!
Thank you! Fix your frippin' email!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Original ARTWORK for SALE..4 the kids...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Blanket Project...

"SOLD!"...and other PEDIATRIC CANCER news
Monday, April 21, 2008

Gabbin' Mama Monday...
So, I have been fighting with this Video Blog all weekend trying to upload it and I was ready to give up when it decided to be NICE TO ME and uploaded with NO issue, just now! I was hoping I could get it posted last week so you wouldn't have to go another week with no GABBIN' MAMA, but it wasn't in the cards...
But, it is worth the wait because I actually had a co-host for this one and he is quite the celebrity! ENJOY!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I polished Macy-Sue...
MACY-SUE LA RUE, FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO “Oh dear, this just won’t do,” Macy-Sue looked around her room at the peeling purple wallpaper. “Mommy’s tea party should be fancy, not falling apart.” She picked at the tattered, curling edges. R-r-r-r-ip. She ripped the paper from the walls, strip by strip. She ripped, twirled and giggled as the purple ribbons trailed behind her and tickled her ankles. Her dance sent her foot right through the picture window of her dollhouse and she landed with a THUD. Mrs. La Rue was distracted by the noise and scolded from her office chair, “Macy-Sue La Rue, find something else to do!” So she did. “Too much furniture. There’s no room to dance,” Macy-Sue said as she pushed and pulled, scraped and scooted everything into the hallway. The bed, her dresser, a broken dollhouse and two bedside tables all fit (some squeaked!) through her narrow doorway. Mrs. La Rue could hear the commotion and growled under her breath. Her grumpy lips called out a little louder this time, “Macy-Sue La Rue, find something else to do!” So she did. Macy-Sue looked around her room. It was empty except for a small table sitting by the window. She tapped her chin. “A mural,” she whispered. “This tea room needs some color.” Macy-Sue dug into her art supplies and practiced her fancy coloring. “This wall was just too whitey-white,” she said as she added raspberry red to the rainbow on her wall. “Mo-o-o-o-om! I am painting my wall for our te-e-e-e-ea party,” Macy-Sue sang out in the squeaky tune of her favorite made-up song.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sandbox (Subtle) Annoyance...

Thursday, April 17, 2008
RELAY FOR LIFE...for Julian...
Personalized Children's Wallhangings...
My husband will kill me for doing this as he is not sure WHY I act on EVERY single idea that pops into my head...children's books, freelance writing, RELAY FOR LIFE, teaching children's church, sub-contract work for Children & Youth, volunteering at school, etc. You all know the drill...I am positive I wouldn't find a reader who doesn't feel like she DOES IT ALL...it's just the nature of the beast...this "gig" we call 'MOMMYHOOD!'
So, here is my newest idea:
I am thinking about having someone design a website for me to sell my NAMESAKES as well as a line of greeting cards that would benefit pediatric cancer in some way. Children have always been my passion, so whether I am painting a mural, teaching a class or writing a book, I live to celebrate them in everything I do! That's the kind of website I am thinking of...I am also throwing around the idea of having other artists sell their wares on my site as well! Just a small project, right? Shhhhh. Don't tell Ken!
Any web designers out there that want to help me out with this? Send me an email with your ideas.
Any makers of quality items that celebrate children, contact me, too.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Our Chicago Angel...

Monday, April 14, 2008
Mimi touched OPRAH...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A Night Out on the TOWN...

Then Dawn graced us with her INFAMOUS presence...
We sat in the room and
twittered giggled over stuff we found in our purses! Ask Manic and Dawn about their hoity toity breathmints!
We talked about outfits, "What are YOU wearing?" "Can I wear jeans?" "I brought flip-flops, why is Chicago so FRIPPIN' cold?"
Then we grabbed a cab and headed for dinner!

When Andre sat us in this little confessional-type booth (which was very cool b/c we didn't feel like we were bothering anyone with our conversations and loud gaffaws) he told us that last year George Clooney and Julian Roberts sat in the very same booth while on break from filming a movie! We
twittered giggled like school girls that our backsides were sharing the same vinyl as G.C's backside.
We tried very hard to act mature in case we were recognized and the paparazzi came out of the woodwork...we behaved...
Because had we not behaved, there may have been pictures posted all over the net of horrible things that we would never live down...

So, it's good we kept the paparazzi at bay or that could have ruined our spotless reputations! We had AMAZING food and a great waitress named BETH (whose picture didn't make it on my camera - but she looked just like Clare Daines!) Thanks Beth! YOU ROCK!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Meetin' Mimi...

Tomorrow Manic and Dawn blare into town - probably on motorcycles! Can you picture it?
IT IS 2:45 am and WE ARE STILL AWAKE....STILL GIGGLING!!! There are GUPPIES in our room...they are eating our pretzels...we will explain later!
IT IS 3:27 am...YUP, STILL up! Still giggling as we IM Haley.
35 hours later...a photo essay...