Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Chicago Angel...

This one's for YOU K-girl! Dawn, Mimi and I want your blog to wear it proudly! You deserve it!
For those of you who read my blog (or Dawn's or Mimi's) then you have been blessed with another wonderful woman.
The amazing story that has unfolded over the last 4 months has brought tears to my eyes dozens of times. I posted "our story" a while back but feel free to refresh your memory, if you like.
One of our collective readers, who we all know as the QUEEN OF STORY TIME! Kendra, took it upon herself to make sure the three of us (Dawn, Mimi and myself) met... in Chicago... at the OPRAH SHOW!! Now, that is above and beyond in my book.
Little did we all know that only weeks before our date on Oprah, Kendra would suddenly fall ill with what turned out to be a brain tumor. Kendra underwent emergency brain surgery and was STILL thinking of others as he opted (was not directed by a Dr. to do so) to shave her head. She then donated her waist-length hair to LOCKS OF LOVE!
Even though she has been going through DAILY radiation treatments, she was emailing us everyday leading up to our big trip to meet last week! Every day!
Only having been home from the hospital a few days she IMd me to check in and see HOW I WAS DOING! "ME?! How am I doing?" But we only talked for a minute or two because she was having her story time kids over for the afternoon. Once again, she was thinking of those little people who missed hearing her stories, not herself!
If anyone reading this has the means to make a miracle happen, to bless someone in an outrageous way...this woman is the one to bless! She has been a blessing (and an inspiration) to thousand and thousand of people for a lifetime!
For those of you who are believers in the POWER OF PRAYER (as you should be!) Kendra's radiations are from 2:10 - 2:15 daily (Pacific time) - please pray and add her "DIE CANCER DIE" mantra to your words!
Kendra even opted for TWO radiations in one day so she would be sure to make it to her grand daughter's high school graduation. NOW THERE IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!
I have been urging Kendra to write a book about her life, her "collections" of children in her home and out, her faith, her passion for books, her love for others, her artistic talents, her life's struggles and now her battle with cancer. I see NY BEST SELLER!
Would you buy it?


Laura ~Peach~ said...

yep I would.... she is an inspiration and prayers for her healing are added :-) thanks for the time frame for extra prayers
... so my dear are you gonna post a special post about twittering??? HUH HUH HUH

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Absofrigginlutely I'd buy it and I'd expect an autographed copy. She is such a sweet women.


Theresa said...

The world just doesn't have enough good people! She is an inspiration, as you and Mimi are too.

The power of prayer. I believe in miracles! I've seen a few too.

Love T

Nanny said...

Yep! I'd buy it in a heartbeat!

Nice Award Michelle - Kendra Deserves it.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Beautiful award for a beautiful soul!

Shellie said...

Heck yeah! She's amazing!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful she sounds. Thanks for sharing about her. I will pray!

Take My Life... said...

did Laura say a post about twittering???
Sounds like a job for Manic!!!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Die Cancer DIE!!!

Hi up there to Mimi!!

And God's blessings to Kendra!!! How awesome is SHE!!! And I've completely forgiven her for not getting me a ticket to Oprah--HAHAHAHAH! I would have just been pootering in my puckering twitterness had I been in the presence of those amazing women at Oprah anyway!!!

Ironically, we received news of Ajer's friend being diagnosed with a brain tumor the day I was to meet Mimi and Michelle... emotions flying for me that day. Michael had the tumor removed yesterday and is resting comfortably. They are confident they got it all, but also pretty sure it was malignant, so chemo/radiation is in order. PRAYERS MORE PRAYERS!



Michelle, you're an angel too, just a twittering one!

MaBunny said...

I would buy it. She sounds like a wonderful lady, and a great inspiration to us all.

Hope you and yours are doing well !

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

I would totally buy it! Maybe ten so that I could gift it to my friends! Convince her!

She truly sounds like the most amazing, selfless person.
She's in my prayers.

Unknown said...

I would buy it! I love Kendra and reading her blog! Die Cancer Die!

Suzie said...

Sounds like a strong woman
Die Cancer Die

Anonymous said...

You know I scream those words "DIE CANCER DIE" a lot these days...

Kendra is already part of my prayers ... I've actually read her blog a few times, before her surgery. She IS a sweet and gracious woman!!

Laski said...

Yes. Absolutely, I would buy it. What an amazing woman!

frizzlefry said...

Cancer sucks. I hope they get it all and she's back up and running soon. We have seriously got to find a cure.