This was James, my tattoo artist - he had a very lickable head! NO, I DIDN'T REALLY LICK HIS HEAD! I was thinking of you all and took advantage of what I like to call a "BLOG FODDER OPPORTUNITY"!
While on this amazingly fun, sometimes borderline pee-your-pants hysterical (after the children went to bed, of course) vacation I had trouble connecting with the house WiFi...but did get on long enough to get an email from a fellow-blogger that she got Dawn, Mimi and I tickets to OPRAH! Yes, go back and read it again, I did say OPRAH!!!!!! So, in a couple weeks, the three of us will actually SEE each other in person! Friends who have never met but who have been forever blessed by the hearts of the others. . I squealed my way through that day, giggling that I would be in Chicago with my BLOG BUDS! We went sight seeing, climbed a lighthouse, shopped, laughed, had a murder mystery (again, after the kidlets were in dreamland)...I was Candy Cotton, lover of resort owner, Coconut Joe (SWATCOP from my comments) but who was secretly in love with Jack Daniels, the bartender (my hubby)! It was so much fun! . One of the highlights came out of my youngest each and every morning...no, not poop! Since when is that a highlight? Sickos! Of the four women that we vacation with, 3 are named Michelle/Michele. So, we go with nicknames to keep the confusion to a minimum...it doesn't take much! So, I am Kemper, another is Goose and then there is Michele and finally, Anne-Marie. My youngest can say "Goose," tries to say Anne-Marie but it comes out "Giggy" and for some reason calls Michele, "Bob!" So, each morning when he woke at 6 or 6:30, he would walk around squawking, "GIGGY, GOOSE, BOB!" Looking for his 3 favorite people in the house (besides Mommy, of course!) BTW, "Giggy" in PA Dutch is another word for Va-jay-jay!! HAHA! Anne-Marie is our children's ministry director so when Izaiah runs across the room squealing "GIGGY!" on Sunday mornings she blushes!! :) . And, ladies....I have to throw this in there just to make you all seeth with jealousy...14 people, 7 days, 3 meals a day...WE LADIES DID NOT COOK ONCE!!!! NOT ONCE!!!! We have rockin' husbands, I tell ya!! And, for me...I didn't do laundry once either, hubby did! WOOFREAKINHOO FOR ME!!! . We sadly headed home before lunch on Saturday. Landed in Chincoteague, VA. Stayed for the night in a great waterfront hotel and did the wild pony/nature center thing the next morning. Arrived in PA just in time for the baby to finish his nap in his own bed and then head to my mom's for Easter Dinner! The kids had off yesterday as part of their Spring Break so that was a bonus as it gave us time to gently EASE back into reality before the alarms went off for school! . Thanks for being patient with me as I promised you a celeb panel of judges, a video blog and the five finalists...ALL of which did NOT happen! So, I am here to redeem myself...I will allow EVERYONE a finalist position...LET THE VOTING BEGIN! . Hmmmmm....Grrrrrr....the linky thingy isn't workin..... http://juliekirbyblog.blogspot.com/2008/03/oh-boy-another-contest.html http://ricetrio.blogspot.com/2008/03/help-me-win-this-contest.html (first photo) http://peach867.blogspot.com/2008/03/contest-entry.html http://multiplemomt.blogspot.com/2008/03/no-mommie-thats-not-poop-oatmeal-cream.html http://shanemerrittfamily.blogspot.com/2008/03/is-it-spring-yet.html http://wilsonscomingoutofthewoodwork5.blogspot.com/2008/03/yippie-reygann-went-poopy-on-potty-oh.html http://ascapecodturns.blogspot.com/2008/03/photo-contest.html http://alanem.blogspot.com/2008/03/phunny-photos.html http://common-place-book.blogspot.com/ (aka *Jane*) - scroll down to "spaghetti kid" photo . NOW REMEMBER...the caption is part of the entry...so take into consideration what makes the photo FUNNY! The best pairing of caption and photo will be our winner! . Invite your friends/bloggers/politicians to vote for your photo on THIS POST!!!
Sounds like a wonderful time! I'd love not to cook. Yep, I will admit, I am jealous!!!
Isn't it funny how we are constantly "looking" for things to blog about? Love the lickable head picture!! :)
Double-comment. Sorry!
Good Gravy Michelle - I was beginning to wonder if you had decided to never come back!!! And from the pics, I could understand why - sounds like you had a fantastic time.
As much as I'd like to vote for my own picture, I have to vote for Devin's (Is it spring yet?) picture.
I did like everyone else's pictures, too! But naked babies in silly hats get me every time...LOL
Congratulations on the adoption date! I'm so excited for you. Too bad it's a day late. My b-day is on the 8th. That would have been a much better day for the adoption (hee-hee) Glad you had a great time. I'm amazed there was not bickering at all.
So glad you're back. What a wonderful vacation. By the way, is the Outer Banks the same city that Nate/Tricia/Gwyneth (Confessions of CF Husband)are from? I think they call it OBX. So, did ya'll take pics of the henna tat's? I am about to get a real one (non-henna) on my foot. Big step for me. Will be a butterfly w/cross in the middle (sounds strange, but is beautiful).So, how long is the voting open for on your photo/caption contest so I can put that on my blog entry? Getting to go to Oprah, I'm SO jealous. I would fly to Chicago just to go with ya'll if your friend could get one more ticket. That would rock. One can dream though. Anywho...I'm so glad that your vacation went well and that you had a rested and relaxed week. I betcha you have tons of emails to catch up on. I would have died without my WiFi....But I guess that's why it's called a vacation because we are to "vacate" all we're doing on a regular basis and just enjoy life. Congrats on Izz's adoption finality. That is the coolest news I've heard today. Although, I know he's been your son no matter what the courts have said up until now. P.S. did you get my email with the pic. of 1 of your 3 pendants on it?
I vote for Heather's Pooperazzi Pic. There's MY vote. Shameless, I know.
Hey Heather don't feel bad cos I'm voting for Me too :)
(that would be alanem to be specific hehe)
Michelle love the licking head pic - too funny! And your adoption news is GREAT!!! (I'll admit, I got teary-eyed at that one)
Oprah news, W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R S'all I gotta say (Way cool!)
Your vaca looked splendid - beautiful spot & good friends, what more can you ask for?
Awww, Shel, that is awesome!!!!!! April 9th is my Dad's birthday. Goosebumps. Congrats to you all!!!!
Congrats on the adoption date. I can't wait to see the little guy.
Also, congrats on the Oprah tickets. I am not an Oprah fan...heck, I'd be happy with just meeting you and Mimi!
Glad you're back. You've been missed. Love you, Theresa
I like the spring baby pic best, can't beat a cute baby!
I like many of the pics but since we are voting then I vote for Squirt ... on my blog :-) prolly will be the only vote for my pic but thats all good!
Awesomeness on the adoption!
welcome back you were missed but, looks like an awesome adventure you had!
How exciting!!! Congratulations on the adoption date! That is fabulous news!
Love the head licking pic! ;)
Don'cha LOVE vacation? I'm on one myself! But my WiFi is currently stable. Vacation AND blogging. Sweet! (and hubby is currently doing laundry at the hotel. double sweet!)
Wow, sounds like you had a great time. Happy you didn't have to cook, and that all the kidlets had fun, and that your hubbies actually did some of the housework!That is always a plus.
For the contest, I vote for Peach, I love the pic of the dog looking like he is melting, lol.
Hope you have a great day !
My vote is for Wilson's Reygann-went-poopy-on-potty!!!
I vote for Heather's pic! :)
My vote is for Wilson's Reygann-went-poopy-on-potty! :)
I vote for Heathers picture!!
Hi this is aka Jane...I dont know how to link to an actual post so here is my blog
scroll down about and inch on the slidder and there is the photo...about level with the Australian flag on the right
hope this works...
Hey love ya holiday report and pikkies.
Looks wonderful.
And big time congrats on The UpComing Event on 9th!!!
WOO-HOO on the adoption date - that is awesome!!!
I vote for "Seriously...is it spring yet?" picture - that face is priceless!!!
I can't help it. I never have done this in my whole life, even when I was running for student body president in high school. I voted for someone else, just cause I didn't think it was right to vote for myself....
I have never won a blog contest before and I'm dyin' too! :-) Soooo....I'm going to vote for my spring baby pic!
Hi, glad to have you back! Am I allowed to vote??? Anywho, if so, I vote for the pooparazzi photo.
Also, I'm very jealous of your entire week of no cooking!
its so funny you licked his head .. i once know a doctor last name is avery .. your child looks very happy
7 friends. No cooking. Oprah tickets. Blogging buddies. Chicago.
Oh man... one post and so many great things. Sounds like you had a great time and are going to have a great time. :) Poop on you! :)
I vote for Heather's Pooperazzi Pic
I vote for Heather's Pooperazzi Pic!
How is it that I haven't discovered you yet???
If you're a friend of Dawn's, you're a friend of mine. Like it or not. Even if you don't know me. Yet.
Glad to find you.
BTW - SO jealous of your trip.
I vote for Heather's Pooperazzi Pic
Can I vote for you licking the guy's head? Cuz that is one fine head? He's pretty cute. You know, if I was with you, I would have made you lick his head for real, or I would have licked his head! It's definitely lickable!
Since I can't vote for that photo, I'll go for one I DEFINITELY HAVE NO INTENTION OF LICKING:
HEATHER'S disgusting pooperazzi PIC. That is just nasty. I would have thrown away the crib after that mess. YUCK!
I vote for Heather's Pooparazzi pic...yuck!
OPRAH!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes, how exciting! PLEASE make sure you let us know when you're going to make that trip, I'll be pealed to the Oprah show that day to try and catch a glimps of all 3 of you together! What a wonderful blessing! I wonder if Oprah has something in store for you ladies????? Wouldn't that be nice!
oh, and congratulations on the adoption!! sorry I got so excited about your trip and tickets, I forgot to say that! Wonderful news!!
I vote for Heather's pooparozzi pic! He is the cutest thing ever! Love that boy!
I also wanna vote for Heather's pooparozzi pic!
hi! casting a vote for heather and her pooperazzi pic.
my vote is for Wilson's Reygann-went-poopy-on-potty!!!
Okay... going with Heather's pic! GROSS!
By the way, when does voting end?
Never mind, just saw, ends tomorrow.
I hope you let us know what day you are going to be at the Oprah show. I work very close to there and would love to swing by and say hi to my favorite bloggers hopefully I can do that while you are standing in line.
Lori Hogan
I vote for Devin's Is is Spring yet?
I vote for Wilson's Reygann-went-poopy-on-potty!
I vote for Reygann went poopy ON the potty too. :)
Heather Lee votes for Heather Rice's Pooper Dooper Scooper Pooperazi Photo...:)
I vote for Devin's spring baby picture. And not just because I am her husband.
I vote for Reygann pooping on top of the toilet too.
I vote for Heather's pooparazzi pic!
I vote for Devin!
I vote for Devin's picture.
I vote for Heather's Pooparazzi picture.
Jason (proud father of the pooparazzi boy)
Vote for Heather's poop pic.
I vote for Heather's Pooperazzi Pic, it was hilarious!!! Love little Luke!!!!
I vote for Heather's Pooperazzi Pic, it was hilarious!!! Love little Luke!!!!
i'm voting for Wilson's Reygann poopy, too!
spring time!!!!!! I love that one!
I vote for Heather's pooperazzi pic!!
"Aunt Jenny"
I vote for Heather's pooperazzi pic!!
"Aunt Jenny"
I vote for heathers pooperazzi pic.
Voting for HEATHER!!
My vote is for "seriously....is it spring yet?"
I vote for Devin's!
To cute!
I vote for Devin's photo.
I vote for Heather's Pooperazzi picture!!!
I vote for Reygann went poopy ON the potty.
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