I am a blogging mom of three who sums up her chaotic days with humorous rants in between cleaning peanut butter off the ceiling fan and keeping my youngest occupied in the lazy Susan. Put your feet up and laugh at me. My neighbors do!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
It's far better to give...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Our Christmas Miracle....Julian Avery!

Monday, December 24, 2007
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Friday, December 21, 2007
Message from Juju's "Big Mama"...

12 Days of Christmas...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Something's missing...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Living Vicariously...

Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Julian Update...

Saturday, December 15, 2007
A Spa Sleepover...

Notice the green & red placecards on the plate? Yeah, that would be my overly-creative 9 year old! She had a blast the night before the party making herself at home in my big tote of scrapbooking papers and supplies!
It was a lot of fun! Not a lot of sleep but quite a few lasting memories. Of, course we had a squabble or two, you can't have THAT many females in a house without a hurt feeling or grumpy 'tude!
My two testosteronies returned from a rowdy production of Treasure Island just in time for my husband to see one of the girls hop from the coffee table OVER the back of the couch...our kids aren't even allowed to put their feet on the couch...I thought he would have an anyurism!
My hubby retreated to bed. My son threw on his PJs and joined the party! The girls (& boy) were up until I insisted on lights out and sent the small testosterone to his own room at 1:45am. The coughing, snotty one woke up at 6:45am!!
What a party! Mommy needs a nap...trouble is, the sleepy girls just left and the FAMILY party is in just a couple of hours. Yawn!
Where's my caffeine IV?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Let the craziness commence...

**Update: Julian had a "so-so" day reports Mimi...he had some pain in his leg. PLEASE continue to pray and keep checking back for updates! We had 3 more donations overnight which brings our total to $1989.25!! WOW!! Thank you Jane from NJ, Cheryl from NY and Michaela from Germany!!**
Thank you...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Wednesday is Worldwide Fast Day...

PRAY and FAST for JULIAN'S MIRACULOUS recovery! Join us! Join the world in saving this little life! HAVE FAITH IN MIRACLES!!!!!
Pass this blog address on to anyone you know in the medical field. There may just be a new treatment out there that could be our Christmas Miracle! WE SOLD THE CHEESE!!
A generous person from Sarasota, FL won our cheesy cross for $265.00!! What a wonderful person! I pray this ebayer overflows with blessings this holiday season for his/her generosity for a complete stranger! GOD IS GOOD!
Our PayPal account for Julian is almost at $1,400.00!! We have multiple donations from the following states:
Maine Massachusettes New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Michigan Indiana Illinois Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Kansas Texas Colorado New Mexico Utah California
We even have multiple donations from the following places:
United Kingdom Netherlands Australia
Worldwide FAST for Juju!
Wednesday we will be fasting and praying for a Miracle healing for Julian! Fasting may not be safe for everyone so, please use your best judgement. You can fast a meal, the TV, your cell phone, whatever would be a sacrifice.
I BELIEVE we can, through the power of Christ, see a Christmas miracle for this little angel!
Post your prayers tomorrow as we all come together to fast and pray!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Mommy Blogging Makes for Fast Friends and Miracles!

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Outpouring and Overflowing...

On ebay, our auction is at $265.00, with 205 "watchers" and 6735 hits!!!
The DONATE button on my blog has brought in $570.01 from all over the WORLD!!!
Donations have come in from: Maine, Massachusettes, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Texas, Utah, California, the UK and the Netherlands!


Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Little Juju and the Cheesy Cross...
with this piece of cheese...
In my last post, I wrote about this sign from above that manifested itself in the dried cheese in my frying pan. So many people commented that I should list this stupid piece of cheese on Ebay b/c of the lady who sold that Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese a couple years ago for $28,000.
I was turned off by the thought of that at first because I was thinking I could never live with myself if I paid off all of my debt by selling a piece of cheese to some LOON for $100,000!!! But then I thought of my friend Mimi and her 4-year old son Julian!
Julian was diagnosed last year with Medulloblastoma...brain cancer. Julian and his family deserve an OUT-OF-THE-ORDINARY, CRAZY, SPECIAL CHRISTMAS! I chatted with my FUN friend Dawn, and we decided, if we sold this piece of cheese, we could make that CRAZY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS a reality! It could help Julian's family to buy Christmas presents or pay medical bills!
Wouldn't that be great?! What a blessing it would be if it not only put me in a better frame of mind this past Monday morning, but it also helped out this wonderful family dealing with the horrible reality of childhood cancer! So, up for bid is my soon-to-be-famous CHEESE CROSS...it is approximately 2 1/2" long and 3/4" wide.
PLEASE help us to give Julian and his family he Christmas they deserve! Let's make some history!!! Email this auction to everyone you know, bid if you can but ABOVE ALL PRAY FOR A MIRACLE!!!!!
Dawn and I will keep you updated, so keep checking back!!! PLEASE
12/05 -10pm: Many of you have asked so I added a DONATE button in the pink sidebar - so if the bidding goes higher than you can commit to, please feel free to donate what you can - I will keep you posted on this running total, too!
12/06 - 2pm: WOW! What an outpouring of love - I am so humbled!!!
Here are our stats...we have rec'd PayPal donations from PA, MN, IA, TN, TX and CA totalling 216.97!! There have been 2965 hits on the auction and it is up to 157.50 with 108 people "watching" the auction!!
The neat thing is all the comments people are leaving on the auction, so I am posting them on the auction when I respond!! Heather from RICE-A-RONI-VILLE decided to do the same thing for a local friend of hers whose son is also battling cancer!!! It's a revolution!
12/06 - 3:40pm - Oops! Someone brought it to Dawn's attention that there may be a glitch with our efforts on ebay simply b/c Julian is not an ebay recognized charity...I have an email in to see what I need to do so the auction doesn't get pulled. If we have to cancel the auction and re-list it, Dawn and I will both post a new link!
12/07 - 12 midnight - Just got news that Julian's MRI today was devestating to say the least. I am having a hard time even typing it - he has only weeks left on this earth. I don't know what to say other than PRAY PRAY PRAY! God be with this family! My dear friend, Michele just IMd me and said, "God can still do miracles!" Amen! That's the kind of faith we need to muster! NOW!
12/07 - 11:33pm - A message from Julian's mom, Mimi...For now , Julian is here. And as long as he can still smile, so will I . I will have plenty of time to be sad later on, for now I am soaking up any ray of sunshine rising from my baby's face,and i suggest you do the same. I will have plenty of time to figure out how to live with a broken heart for the rest of my life... Remember don't ever forget to kiss your children goodnight, even if they are asleep, they know... Mimi
Monday, December 3, 2007
Jesus in the pan...

Saturday, December 1, 2007
A "Home" for the Holidays...

This is when I realized that my purse is my ONLY sacred place. NO ONE goes in my purse but me...and an occasional child looking for gum.
My husband would go into fits if he know what my purse was HOME to...
Let's see:
- Besides lipstick, cell phone, wallet, gum, etc.... there is a whole slew of UNACCEPTABLE items in here...
- 2 bags of completely crushed cereal - in case I bump into the witch from Hansel and Gretel and I need to leave a trail...a very long trail
- the between-the-toe thingies from my daughters pedicure...because I could always scrapbook them
- a horrifically UGLY bracelet one of the kids "won" for me at the WalMart crane game...how can I throw that away?
- many, many writing utensils
- a "favor" from my writer's conference
- a baggie filled with cough drops from when I was sick
- a book of stamps...THAT'S where they are!
- 23 receipts that I have yet to enter in my checkbook - yikes!
- hand sanitizer...it is snot-dribbled grocery cart season - eeewww!
- my alli compact filled with the promise to make me skinny again...oh, I have to take them?
- a Barnes & Noble membership application...I suppose I need to do more than carry it in my purse to save the 10%, huh?
- a napkin
- a Cabella's coupon...because of how often I choose to see taxidermied animals in fake habitats, yuck! I have a hunter hubby...I, however, LOVE BAMBI!
- a prison ministry pamphlet from the bell-ringer outside of WalMart who made my feel bad for having a hot coffee while he was freezing his 'bells' off.
- court paperwork from our last court hearing...we are foster parents so we are in court almost as much as we visit my in-laws.
- Oooooo, M&M minis, I didn't know these were in here...ya think anyone would notice if I finished them off?
- earrings
- Benadryl...which I carry ever since my 10-year old decided to be SEVERELY allergic to Buckwheat...I also have to carry an epiPen, too...UGH!
- 2 packets of Splenda...just in case my sweet tooth gets the best of me I can have a quick shot or two
- my stack of "calling cards" just in case I ever bump into a leading editor from a huge publishing house who overhears my conversation and thinks I am so rip-roarin' funny that I need a book deal!
- random gum and candy wrappers
That's it...not so crazy...whats the craziest thing in YOUR purse? Should you be finding a HOME for those things? Would you like to borrow my husband to get your house in shape for the Holidays?
Tell me about it...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Big Butt Wedding....
PMS and Reindeer Poop...

1 bag of melted milk-chocolate chips
3 hadfuls of crush pretzel stix
1 large fistful of raisins
I just needed something chocolate - but chewy and salty were also on my mind. When I spread out this heavenly mixture onto the pan, it looked like...well, um...poop! Could be because I have changed 4 or 5 poopy diapers already today and it is only lunchtime...but I thought in keeping with the upcoming holiday I would call it Reindeer Poop...
Now, I just have to figure out how I can attach a sort of dish to my face so I can enjoy it while I get some writing done. I can't keep stopping to lick my fingers or it will take me all day to write this week's column for our local paper. Maybe a hands-free harmonica holder with some tinfoil for a make-shift tray? Hmmm. This could be a tricky one!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
"Poison Control, how can I help you?"
While I was getting rid of that petrified layer of dust with my spackling knife, my Stuart Little fan decided this product (although put on the counter, where I thought it was out of his reach - with NO lid on) looked a little like lemonade. When I turned around, his little mouth was hiding the opening of the spout. I didn't know if he had kicked his head back and gotten a mouthful or if this glimpse was the first touch...I SCREAMED, "NOOOOOO!"
Now, you must know, the spout on this bottle is sort of like a red wine vinegar spout, only one drop comes out at a time - you have to shake it to get a significant amount of fluid out.
Hello, Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) this is Mimi.
Mimi, the nurse I spoke to, asked if he coughed at all after I took it away from him. "Sob, sob, sob, snort - NO - sob, sob." She then told me that they have to put that on the bottle but the actual danger isn't in the swallowing but in actually breathing the liquid into the lungs. This will cause chemical pneumonia which is fatal b/c there is no way to clean the lungs of the oily substance. She said protocol is to call back in 1 hour, then 6 hours, then 24 hours. She reassured me that since he did not sputter and cough - there was most likely nothing to worry about.
He is fine. And he continued his rampage through my house while I tried to finish my dusting.
Mimi told me to give him some yogurt to keep the inside of his mouth from getting irritated from the oil...he thought he needed to make a 2-year old statement instead.
Oh, sorry, NOW he's done making his statement. The chicken nuggets is his piece de resistence.

...a dusted, organized entertainment center. Why do I even try? UGH!

As if a subliminal reminder, I found my dust cloth under this book. Really. If you should read this book, you probably don't have the time to.
Wednesday's WHAT THE...?

Did I mention, I am ULTRA CRAFTY? So the PRIZE may be HANDMADE!