Thursday, July 17, 2008

Guess who's at OUR house...

Here's a clue!
...for those of you who read the carepages...think SUPERBAY!
We have made a Wii-addict out of Bailey!
And our adventure continues....STAY TUNED!!!


Theresa said...

No Way! How cool. I hope you have a good time, Michelle & Michelle.

Love you, Theresa

MaBunny said...

Oh wow, he is adorable. Glad hes having a wii-tastic time at your house!

Anonymous said...

Hey! We are still WAITING for the Spoonies! They will probably never want to leave your house! Shoo them on their way, and hop in with them- for the Larson's!!!

Have FUN!- like I need to tell you that!?! :)

The pic of the two curly heads is adorable...

Laura ~Peach~ said...

wonderful ! I am so glad that the country wide trip is going so well we had hoped to get to meet the spoonies in Savannah but it did not thanks to not knowing exactly when they would be there :) but its all GOOD we know how to find them on line! wii addict just tooo cute!