It's on 8 1/2 x 11" cardstock and is done in Prismacolor Pencils and ink. We are again raising money for another it's 4 the kids child. Her name is Jessica and she is 9. Her family's story breaks my heart but her smile melts it. Her family is in need and we are reaching out to raise some much needed support. So, please email this link to whoever you think would throw in a couple bids to raise money for them. I will donate ALL of the proceeds from THIS auction instead of my usual 50%. Place your bids in the comments!
So, our weekend in a nutshell (ha ha, Mimi!)...
Friday started with... Oh, oh, oh...WAIT, I GOT NEW HAIR THURSDAY NIGHT!!! LOOK!
OK, so anyway.... Friday morning me and my girls (yes, Giggy, Goose and Bob...and a couple more crazies) went knock-off purse shopping! There is a place about 20 minutes from here that is a flea market on CRACK and there are TONS of booths with Louis Vuitton, Coach, Kate Spade, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Prada...you name it! So, in the rain, we went... like we were on safari searching for the elusive purse. I think we all sort of hope that a REAL one will get thrown in the mix and we will walk away paying $25 for an authentic PRADA BAG! Although, when the dye comes off on your hands or you see a woman scraping imperfections off each purse she takes out of the over-sized garbage bag...reality sets in. But it makes for a fun outing! So there!
Came home, made some broccoli salad and headed off to Giggy's for a picnic. Poor Giggy, it rained so there were WAY TOO MANY people running in and out of her house but she was a good sport about it and we all had a great time together. However, I left early and brought the baby home for bed. The older two and Daddy stayed for what I thought was a quick romp on a waterslide...instead, I find out the next day, they were PLAYING WITH FIREWORKS! I don't know about you, but I planned to let my children mature to adulthood before giving them a 2000 degree metal stick that spews hot sparks. Call me crazy. Well, Daddy broke them in and they apparently burned over 100 molten sticks into oblivion! Ugh.
Saturday we got up and headed to HANDS ON HOUSE in Lancaster. We had a lot of fun there watching the kids get to touch everything and play with all the displays and exhibits. It's so nice to take them all somewhere and not have to say, "PLEASE don't touch. Hands on your belly. STOP IT!!!" every three and a half seconds. They had so much fun! It was a little young for our older two - which they knew - but they were good sports and helped my little guy to have a memorable time. We knew it was time to leave though when he started ricocheting to and from displays like a little pinball. So, we headed to lunch! BIG SALAD at Ruby Tuesdays! That, in itself, would make my day!!
Hubby took the boys to the pool later that day and then we got ready for Sunday's picnic. Well, that was my intention...I really just made a simple dinner, got the kids to bed early and surfed the net. I am working on a new project so I did a little research!
Sunday it was off to church and then home for lunch, baby's nap and chopping fruits and veggies. It was actually just an excuse to get the whole family together because my "fake brother" and his fiancee were in from Boston. They are that childless couple that just ADORES anyone's kids. You know the kind that will roll around in the sandbox or get all sweaty playing badminton for hours in the hot sun. The kids just love them! Then it was lots of food and off to see fireworks. My youngest had never seen them and just sat in my dad's lap and giggled like someone was tickling the SNOT out of him! It was hysterical!

So, that about wraps it up...you add to all of that the mounds of leftovers and the fact that I won't have to cook for months and you get ME DOING THE HAPPY DANCE!
I have some more NAMESAKES to work on this week and I am wracking my brain trying to figure out how to get them into the hands of some celebrities - wouldn't that be cool? Man-oh-man could I raise a lot of money for cancer families if I was selling to all the preggo celebs! When I was getting my hair done I saw a story on Trista and Ryan from The Bachelorette and she ad given him what looked like a sort-of-NAMESAKE of the word DADDY for Father's Day...that's when it HIT ME! Hmmmmmm. I will have to think on this one. Any celebs out there who are closet readers of MY SEMBLANCE, (yeah, right) please contact me!
Thanks for reading! Thanks for always spreading the word for my cancer kids. Thanks for sticking around!
Sounds like a grand time. Love the new hair.
You never said your brother was Kenny Rogers.
Love your hair! Very cute : )
Hey Michelle! The hairdo is very, very cute! And it's funny, I went dark for going home this weekend and you went all blondie! =)
Your little guy looks so happy in your Dad's lap - how precious!
Kim Mappes
This one got me in the most unexpected way. Your dad looks very much like my grandfather. He was a huge part of my life and is sorely missed. He survived Iwo Jima and Guadacanal and was full of life.
What a blessing to have your dad in your life!
Love you new do!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new "do". I got one too on Sat. Will have to post some pic's.
New hair is ALWAYS fun. (Well, unless it turns out badly, then not so much. But yours looks great!)
I'll post a link to your auction on my blog (you know, in case my reader wants to bid. Note I said "reader" not "readers"...LOL)
The whole celeb idea is awesome! Hope someone famous sees your stuff and gets on board!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend - yes, weekends like that are exhausting, but oh the memories you have made :)
I love the 'so big' artwork - when you said 'place bids in the comments section' is this where you meant?
I will bid 25.00
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