Thursday, February 28, 2008

My firsts...

Found this on someone's blog but they didn't tag anyone so I took it...thought it would be fun. I didn't read all of the things that are supposed to be firsts so this could be interesting. We'll see if I hit "Publish" at the end...haha 1. Who was your FIRST prom date? Scott Risbon, my best friend's brother - I know, I know, that crosses the line in that "don't date the brother" rule but we weren't dating, just good friends without dates to our Junior Prom. 2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? Um, no. That's a weird thought. 3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink? Some kind of whiskey, I think. I was pretty naive and went to an upperclassman's party. When I walked in, one of his friends handed me a cup. I was 16 and still thinking they served punch at parties so I said, "thanks" and took a huge gulp. Never had punch light my lungs on fire! I played it cool and handed the cup back. Blech. 4. What was your FIRST job? Technically, babysitting. First job I had outside of other people's homes was at our local mall in the food court. The place was called Coney Island - we served hot dogs and cheeseburgers. I even had to scrub the green slime off of the hot dogs before putting them on the grill. NO LIE! Maybe that's why I refuse to feed my kids the foul tubular meat. Double Blech! 5. What was your FIRST car? Sniffle, sniffle. Her name was "Betty" (as in Boop)...she was a beauty. My beloved Rangoon Red '65 Mustang. My sweet daddy pimped my ride and turned a banged up white 'stang into a very sweet ride! Happy 16th to me!! But, sadly, she got old and unreliable so for safety's sake we sold her down the river. So sad. It was kind of funny though, at one point there was a crossed wire or something and when I made left hand turns the headlights turned off. So, for months, I drove way out of my way to get to my destinations by only turning right. I tried to deal with it as long as I could before telling my dad. But after almost getting T-boned a couple times, I had to give in and tell him...I still have pictures of her. I think I loved her more than my first boyfriend! 6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? Don't text a whole lot. That would mean that I would have two hands free at any given time during the day. Hello? I have a 2 year old. 7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? The baby. He woke me up VERY early. 4-ish. ugh! 8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? Mrs. Komez...she was very pregnant and she felt it necessary to discuss her discomforts with the class, usually at story time. The last thing a 6 year old wants to think about is that her fat teacher has tremendous gas due to her innards being shoved up to her neck. She would actually tell us things like this...ewwww. 9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? I was 3 months old and I flew from PA to LA where I lived for the next 2 years. My first words were said sweetly with a lo-o-o-ong southern drawl. To this day, if I meet a southerner, I have a hard time staving off the twang. 10. Who was your FIRST best friend and are you still friends with them? Melissa, Melissa, Melissa. We met when we were four, went K-12 together, different universities, lived in different states and now live a mile from one another. We talk sometimes daily and see each other a couple times a month. To this day (33 years later) she is one of my dearest friends. She even held an intervention for me once. Drove 3 hours to Penn State to discuss my choice of boyfriend. (Not my hubby. His roommate) 11. What was your FIRST sport played? Does kickball count? At recess? Not much of an athlete. Really don't enjoy dodging, chasing, kicking, hitting or tackling things. Would much rather sit on the sidelines and watch. Cheerleading was my gig in high school. 12. Where was your FIRST sleep over? Probably the Drumeler's house. At about 3am I got up to secretly call my mom to come get me. But I didn't tell Mrs. Drumeler, or my friend for that matter, so they were all a little freaked out when someone was ringing the doorbell in the wee hours of the morning. I did this a couple more times before we took a sleep-over hiatus. 13. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today? One of the kids, I am sure. But I opened my lips before having coffee so whoever it was was not in focus so I really am not sure. 14. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time? My Aunt Cathy's in 1973. I was 3. I wore a long gauzy baby blue dress with a very floppy, wide brim hat...with flowers of course. Very 70's. 15. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? Kissed the baby (well, maybe I didn't - I was a bit grumpy that he woke me so early). Made him some warm milk. Made coffee. Kissed the other two when they came downstairs. 16. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to? Oh dear, I went to see The Jackson 5 with my dad. He rocks. He pretended to be security and snuck us down from the nosebleed seats to the floor - close to the front. No. I am not spoiled (chuckle - see #5) 17. FIRST tattoo or piercing? Ears when I was 5. If I could make up my mind, I would have a tattoo. I will only get ONE and for years I have had numerous ideas that I totally love...until I see something else I like better. I may never get one. I have even designed a few. 18. FIRST foreign country you went to? England, then France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria - all in the same trip. I was 14. 19. What was your FIRST run in with the law? Following my boyfriend home from the SATs, he went a different way that I didn't know and "Betty" T-boned a BMW! My FORD lost an "R" and become a FOD. Sheesh. It was the first time I had to actually talk to a cop. He had no sympathy for me - he was more interested in the fact that I lived in the town where the woman shot the monkey. (long story - has nothing to do with the accident) 20. When was your FIRST detention? I only had one - for being late to school more than the acceptable 3x. I only lived 7 minutes from school but "Betty" wasn't always cooperative, nor was my snooze button. 21. What was the FIRST state you lived in? Pennsylvania. Just a small town girl from Pennsyl-tucky. 22. Who was the FIRST person to break your heart? Greg Cooper. I got my first "Dear John" letter soon after he left for college. 23. Who was your FIRST roommate? Jen Chiari. She was a nursing student at Hahnemann University. We lived in Center City Philadelphia (my first time away from home and I didn't know her from Adam). She was very nice. She had a very memorable, snorty laugh. 24. Where did you go on your FIRST limo ride? To my Nanny's funeral. It was white. I felt very important. I was 11. Wanna play? Tag yourself, link to me and get your groove on! :) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* OK, so this was fun. Nothing like walking down memory lane. Of course, now I am thinking about ex-boyfriends. Isn't that a strange thing when you are married? Bizarre, if you ask me! Alright, well those 5 articles I needed to write - I am down to 3. Karla asked if there were other places you can read my work. Well, yes there are. I write for regional parenting magazines across the country and for some websites, too. I just applied today for a new parenting website - they wanted a funny writer who would be REAL for their readers. Eh hem. Sounds like someone you know, right? Just for fun, here are a few links to some of my other work: Baltimore's Child ParentGuide Charlotte Parent Indy's Child New Jersey Family My column: The Gift of Gab Family Traditions The Glory Days Taking Care of You


Christina said...

I am doing the questionaire... :) Neat one!

Christina said...

I am doing the questionaire... :) Neat one!

Julie said...

Love ya, Michelle - but I think it's a "Dear John" letter, not "John Doe"...
I may just do the firsts list, too. Not sure yet!!

Kalynne Pudner said...

Oh, boy. This is almost irresistible. Let's see...this meme, or taking Cuteness to see the Hannah Montana movie...hmmmmm....

I'm so jealous of you and Melissa, such long history, still being so close.

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Julie - hahahahahahahaa - thanks, fixed it - it was a late night!!!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

65 cool!

Cheerleading is now considered a sport! I always considered it a sport anyway!

Loved reading more about you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kemper, in regards to your little BMW vs. FOD crash..... we just "want the facts maam! just the facts". I have made many girls cry, even guys. As you know, even though we put on the tough guy appearance, we actually are little gentle giants inside! Who love to get down in the OBX (15 days and counting!!!!!)

T with Honey said...

Hey, my 1st grade teacher was Mrs. Kemper! Any chance you're related??

Patti said...

how about first movie you could recite all the words to????

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

email me - i lost yours...I SOOOOOOO have something to tell you about FOOTLOOSE!!!!

YOU may be 6 degrees of sep from Kevin Bacon!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just posted the meme... Fun questionaire.

MaBunny said...

I'll do the questionnaire, should be interesting trying to remember all those facts


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I'm so glad no one's tagging me on this one cuz I would burst out crying with the FIRST question on the prom date since I NEVER WENT TO PROM!!!!


(how you been?!?!)

Kim VanDerHoek said...

Is it bad when you can't do a questionaire like this because you simply don't remember most of the answers? Maybe I need some sleep.

It was a fun read Michelle!

Anonymous said...

I did the meme. It was interesting trying to remember it all.

Anonymous said...

Okay Kemper, here ya go!

1. 1st prom date: Valerie Barbon (freshman). Wow! She was smokin' hot (sorry honey). The classic was my "white" tuxedo!!!! It was a 1986 thing.

2. Do I still talk to my first love? Well, if you consider it my mom...then yes. But my first girl love, nope. I haven't seen her since High School.

3. My 1st Drink? HA! I can't remember because I had to many of them that night! I think it was Miller beer.

4. My 1st Job? Trapper Boy @ Green Hills Sportsman Club. I was the kid who would load the clay traps on the "sling".

5. My 1st car? I have everyone beat on this one! A white Gremlin! Don't even ask the year, because I defragged my memory of that car.

6. 1st person I thought of this morning? My wife, she is in NJ at a seminar. I miss her.

7. My 1st grade teacher? Ms.Galloway. What a meanie! I can say that because she is probably 6' under by now.

8. 1st airplane ride? To Florida in 1984 (Eastern Airlines). I was terrified!

9. 1st best friend? Brian Ahearn and yes, we still see each other and go to Hockey games together.

10. 1st sport played? Does beating your sister count as a sport? HA HA. Baseball. USW (United Steel Workers), the best dang little league team in the nation!

11. 1st sleepover? My friend Brian's house.

12. 1st person I talked to today? The clerk at Turkey Hill (0430 hrs). Ok, I just gave it away that I am writing this at work! HA

13.1st Wedding I was in? My own on Dec. 16th, 1995. I should have been in my sisters (1987) but I rejected the offer because I wanted to go drinking with my friends afterwards...don't ask, I was lost back then.

14. 1st Concert? Van Halen baby!!! The Spectrum in Philly, we slept outside all night for the tickets.

15. 1st Tattoo? 2005, my right bicep area. Eagle/badge/flag "blessed are the peacemakers". Contemplating my second one!

16. 1st Foriegn Country? If Canada counts as foriegn, the that it is. If not, Scotland. My sister-in-law lives in Glasgow.

17. 1st run in with the law? Anybody turns me in, I will find you! My buddies and I decided to camo ourselves up and run around the borough taking lawn ornaments. We put a few in my friend's yard to be funny. I woke up two days later and found about 200 lawn ornaments in my front yard (payback to the extreme). The old Chief of Police came to my door and asked if I knew anything about them and I stuttered away "Uh, NO". Of course I have many more, I considered them as future training days for me.

18. 1st Detention? Roosevelt Elementary Building (6th grade). My friend and I were priveledged to paint murals on the caf wall for art class. At lunch one day, we decided to bombard them with spit balls. We got detention for it. Nothing too bad I guess.

19.1st State you lived in? Pennsyl-tucky!!!! Born, raised, and never escaped good ole' Birdsboro, PA

20. 1st person to break your heart? Becky Leanord (8th grade). My first girlfriend. She dumped me hours after I gave her a bracelet for a guy named "eggy". I stood in front of my bedroom mirror crying to the Toto song "It's gonna take a lot to take me away from you....". Oh, boy was I gay!

21. 1st roommate? My wife, Michele. And I must say "my best roommate ever!"

22. and finally, my 1st limo ride?
Never had one! Never sat in one! So, I think I better get back to work and pull one over and give him a citation!!!!!!!! CYA

Anonymous said...

Thanks Michelle! I will check out your other reads at another time when I am not still reeling from your next post about the lyrics. Eeeewww. A neighbor was teaching that one to my daughter (9) a while back. But I haven't heard it since. Will make sure I don't, too, thanks to you.

Also enjoyed your firsts.