Sunday, February 3, 2008

She got me...

I really was never considering posting the video...I was gonna give you this instead... (pause my music at bottom of sidebar before hitting play on the video) FYI (another RANDOM piece of info) I FRIPPIN' LOVE LOVE LOVE OTTERS!!! OBSESSED WITH THEM!!! So, that's all you were gonna get...honest...until Mimi posted this comment... "I could be naughty and say, PLEASE, it would have made Julian laugh.... COMEON... If I can post a video of me dancing in my car and or my kitchen to some crazy go banana song, you CAN do this, I promise, it is very liberating!!! I love you Mimi Did it work???" That was some serious arm twisting!!! GEEZ!!! You all have Mimi to thank for this... gifts! Don't throw flowers and money! The bribe ideas were creative and sweet but totally not necessary! I will now retreat under the nearest to my husband and children! :)


Kalynne Pudner said...

Absolutely awesome!

(So funny...this morning, I was bopping along singing with my own iPod -- "Check Up on Me" by Beyonce; talk about looking ridiculous! -- and suddenly thought, "Oh, now I remember what video Michelle was talking about not posting unless we all begged! No way is she gonna do this...")

No doubt Julian was smiling from heaven at the show :)

Dawn said...

LOL!!! I especially liked your creative use of scissors!

Alison said...

Ah Michelle, you are my hero!! that was beautiful and priceless!! so glad you shared!!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

haha THANK YOU MIMI!!!! I love that woman! OK Michelle, that was great! Thanks for posting it!!! LOL

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

JuJu is seriously cracking up at you right now in heaven. You are brave girl....too funny!


Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Thanks soooooooooo much! I am smiling! Yeah! I have otters down at the's a 20 minute walk! Great job of hitting the guilt Mimi! Love it!

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

thank you Michelle! What scissors?!

Anonymous said...

Now, THAT's what I was talking about:

Yes! You made a memory that day! (a GREAT one!)

nomi said...

You completely ROCK!!!

Hanley Family said...

ah...thanks for sharing. You and the otter would make a good pair on stage.

Unknown said...

LOL Now that was great!

Patti said...

Michelle, I think that might have been better than your Footloose days!!!

Nanny said...

Hahahahahaaaaaa I knew you had it in you to post this video. Remember: Life is about Dancing like no one is watching and singing like no one is listening....You Rock!

Thanks for the video of the otters too.

Anonymous said...

It looks JUST LIKE ME when I do the dishes with my iPod. And my kids are screaming in the background "MOM!!! Stop It!" like they are in excruciating pain.

Thank you for your bravery!

Julie said...

That was great!!! You looked like you were having fun, and that's what counts.

Loved the otter video, too - they're so cool.

As for Mimi - all I can say is, "Wow, you pulled out the BIG GUNS on that one!"

Leayellowrose said...

THANK YOU !!! I wouldn't try out for american idol though!!! LOL

I love you
PS: I saw Julian dancing right along, thats what he would have done with me...

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

It was all for you, dear friend!!
:) Juju, too! said...

Oh yeah! That's awesome. I love how your daughter was all incognito but then you realized she was videoing you and still kept on rockin. Go girl.

Anonymous said...

...wait till Todd gets a hold of THIS.

Michelle, you make me chuckle.

Saša G. said...

WOW!!! Michelle, what about getting an agent? I think I would be perfect for the job and would do It for free! Think about It, ok?
p.s. thank You!!!

Theresa said...

I just finished a blog directing everyone to you, Michelle. Check it out at
I also am directing people to my Relay For Life site/blog, whatever, in Julian's memory. Take a moment to read it and spread the word.

Unknown said...

How did you manage to not sing out loud until after your realized your daughter was videoing? If their music I am singing, I love to sing!!

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

I love it and I love you more for posting it!
You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only however old you are!!!
You can dance...You can dan-hance, having the time of your life.
Great, now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head...

Beth said...

That was awesome! I am notorious for doing that - luckily my girls are still too small to think to get the camera (thank goodness), instead they just join in, too!!!

Thanks for sharing!

AlaneM said...

#1 Thank you Mimi!
#2 Ok girl, you SO rock - I do a version of that in my car & get some WAY funny looks :)
#3 your excuses really were pathetic ;)
and (off subject)
#4 Thank you for plugging confessions of a CF husband - I checked him out & am now addicted to his blog! What a story.

Anonymous said...

Sure you don't want money? :)
You are too fun.
Oh ! I just tagged you for a meme. Check out my blog for more info. :)

PaperSunshine said...

Well the good news is... most of us do it! However, most of us don't get video taped ;) LOL! You go girl! Love it and good heavens I must comment on that otter too, TOO FUNNY!

Cheryl said...

Just a penny? JK :-) I think this is the first time I have commented on your blog.

You got guts! Not very many people would admit to having a video like this let alone put it on their blog. You bring smiles to peoples faces and that is just awesome!

Great otter video! I have one that is on my blog that you will have to check out sometime here is the address:

Take care.

Peggy said...

Hey Michelle,
Hope you know Mimi is sending a ton of people here to experience your funniness! :)
I needed that laugh, I wasn't laughing AT you, just WITH you, REALLLLY!
The best part was your daughter giggling in the background. I remember my mom doing silly things to get us laughing. Your daughter will remember that forever *(how could she forget) but it will bring her smiles always.
Mimi is good at persuading us to do things we would NEVER do under normal circumstances, believe me, I know! We'd do anything for Mimi and King Ju!
So just wanted to tell you I thought the video was wonderful! :)
Love your page.

Mimi's friend Peggy

Kathy said...

What a good laugh! I'm glad that you had the nerve to do it. It was pretty cool!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Anyone that can sell a cheese cross and sing and dance like that is OK in my book!Will you be shooting more of these videos as these happy comments rush to your head? :)

Sherry said...

Great video... American Idol might be calling! :)
Thanks for all you've done for Mimi and her family.

Anonymous said...

You rock!

Daiquiri said...

Hey thanks for the laugh this morning...I needed a dose of silly! Love your blog - added you to my favorites - I'll be back :)

Anonymous said...

You take after your Mother !!!! LOL

Love Ya Kiddo

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Hop on over to my blog Michelle and check out the latest and greatest Faith Creations...

Amber said...

Just wondering if my book came in the mail yet! Praying for you!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Funny.....I love your daughters giggling in the background!

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle, I don't know you but after watching that video, I WANT to! I am soooo guilty of doing my own version of that -- usually while vaccuuming. (Since the upright vaccuum makes a rather nice dance partner, try it sometime...)

Anyway, I am here via Mimi and her heart-wrenching carepage. She is such an inspiration.

It's cool to see the kitchen where the now-famous cheese cross was made. It's wonderful that you were able to raise funds for that family.

Best to you,
Johnny's Angels: Depp Fans for Charity

Shauna said...

Whoo-hoo! I'm glad Mimi convinced you to post the video. That's hysterical.

And comforting to know I'm not the only one who does this. Thankfully no video footage as of yet. My three boys love to dance around the kitchen with me while we wait for supper to cook. None of them are old enough to use a camera though. ;-)

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

So, you would all be in favor of me doing reguar video blogs?


Like a talk-show kind of thing?

Coffespaz said...

Wow...check it out. You're normal!! Who'd a thought! :-)