Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tagged yet again...

You all know I love getting tagged! Cyn just tagged me with a MEME I have never seen or, yeah! Here are the rules: 1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages.) 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the next three sentences. 5. Link back to the person who tagged you. 6. Tag five people. Here I go... Frog and Toad...nope, not enough pages, or sentences for that matter. SkippyJonJones...see above. This might be harder than I thought. Oh, look, there, across the room, a grown-up book. Let me finish running this obstacle course (a.k.a. my living room) and grab it... "I don't pretend to know everything (or much of anything) to do with the book of Revelation, but I do know that all of us were created for so much more than this fallen earth has to offer. There is so much going on around us that we will undoubtedly never be aware, no matter how close we draw to the Savior's side. The whole creation is groaning (Romans 8:22) since the fall." excerpt from Chapter 6: Depseration Part #1 of fellow-blogger Amber Metz's mesmerizing book Breathtaking. For those of you following Confessions of a CF Husband, you would enjoy this book. Amber is a double lung transplant survivor. Tagging: Fried Okra Life With my Special Ks Pragmatic Compendium Mom2-2Good Boys I Love My Life


Julie said...

Do you have ANY idea how many kid's books I had to sift through before I finally found a grown up book with more than 123 pages?!?! I was beginning to get desperate - I thought I was going to have to resort to using my son's English/Language Arts textbook from school...either that, or a book on building Tube Amplifiers. Then I remembered I had a book on the kitchen're LUCKY!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing! :)
LOVED the youtube videos. The last one had me laughing so hard!!!!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Thanks for the tag!! I did this one a few days ago... You can find it here. :o)

Nanny said...

Hey Michelle,

Thanks for the tag! It was not easy to find 5 others to tag. But I hope the 5 I chose will humor me with a response. Check out my blog to see your link.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Thank God you didn't tag me, but mine would have been a few verses from Exodus 23...I hate those MEME things....NEVER EVER TAG ME FOR THESE! I will hate you FOREVER! J/K...I will only hate you for a week. (sticking out my tongue at you) Heather

Amber said...

It's all for Jesus! :) Thank you!

Julie Stiles Mills said...

Thanks for the tag! I did it and it's up - immediately following another meme post I was tagged with. If you haven't done that one (4 things about me) TAG back!

Megan Cobb said...

Okay I'll go do this now (I'm just gettin' caught up enough to see what you tagged me for!) The closest book to me is "Your Pregnancy, Week by Week." Surprise surprise.