Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sanity' Blogtober TIP parade: 10/06 Multitasking

Multitasking! We are the QUEENS when it comes to getting 37 things done at once, aren't we?

I have paid my bills while sitting in line at the bank to deposit that bill-paying money into my account.

I have changed a diaper, talked on the phone and watched the weather report all while making a list of what to pack for a weekend away.

I can help with homework, play with a toddler, make dinner and kiss my husband when he walks in from work.

I am an ace at blogging, texting, facebook IM-ing and searching YouTube on the other computer to keep my little guy enthralled just a little longer.

What I haven't figured out how to do is make dinner, get a pedicure, clear my schedule, get my daughter FREE Jonas Brothers tickets and lose 50 pounds....any tips?


Leave your best multi-tasking scenario below and join the BLOGTOBER TIP PARADE!

You know the drill: Leave your tip. Blog about something you need or can give tips for. Invited your readers to do the same. Link back to me. It's the BLOGTOBER TIP PARADE! 31 days, 31 tips for moms!

**Check out my review blog for a Jonas Brothers Contest**


Julie said...

Hmm....maybe you could open a salon where women could order dinner, and while it was cooking they could get pedicures, and you could have phones and computers at each station so they could do whatever else needed to be done (pay bills, search the web, etc), all while a skilled plastic surgeon whittled away at butts, tummies, and waistlines. :)

Or you could just come to terms with the idea that dinner really can be cereal from time to time, you'll be busy until you're dead, winter's coming so most people won't see your feet "naked" anyway, and big butts are *in* this season.


That made me tired. Time for a nap.

Theta Mom said...

You said it sister! We ARE the queens of multi-tasking!!!