Tuesday, August 26, 2008

VOTE for ME!

(click above)


Theresa said...

LOVE IT! I guess you are who I am voting for since I had decided not to vote!

Love Theresa

Vicki said...

Loved it! sent it out to all my friends :>)

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

hehe if my pastor hadn't already done this I totally would have fallen for it! :) You've got my vote anyway!

MaBunny said...

I waslike huh? got tot he end and LOL!!
Hope the kiddos r doing well in school their first week! we are already on our second week../ yawn

Julie said...

That was pretty good, until it got to the part with the sign on the bus...I noticed that the words didn't quite jive with the direction the bus was going.

All in all, though, it was pretty funny!!

Shellie said...

I'd vote for you if I weren't already voting for my brother! That is the best thing I've seen in a long time! Makes the elections so much more bearable.

AlaneM said...

Love it, I'd vote for you - you're SO much better than our other options!