**(scroll down and read previous post about TEAM LARSON if you haven't visited in a couple days! They need you now more than ever!)
Alright readers...here is the plan, after speaking with Lori H (one of my readers), Christina M (a friend from church) and Mimi, like SHE needs an introduction (carepage: JuliansWorld) :) we have collectively agreed that although it would be great to bombard TEAM LARSON with oodles and oodles of John Deere merchandise for Christmas, what would make the biggest impact would be this:
FOLLOW THIS LINK and make your voice heard, for Coleman! DO IT NOW!
Go tell them how Coleman has touched your life, tell them how you cry for him, tell them how they can help by donating to WWW.CURESEARCH.ORG in his name. Leave the carepage.com link and ColemanScott page name for them to read about him!
Then, leave a comment here that you "did the duty" and we will keep track of how many of you pitched in for Coleman!!
Now.....FORWARD THIS to everyone you know!!
Let's see if we can crash their site! (just kidding) Let's just strive for filling their mailbox! :)
Thanks and may you be DOUBLY BLESSED for all you do in spreading the word!

Michelle--you are such a saint. Truly. Your place is secured up above, no doubt about it! xo
I pitched for Coleman!!
Lori Hogan
Here is what i wrote to several different of their contact us boxes , anyone feel free to copy and send to them!!
"There is a lil man out there who is 4 years old , he has brain cancer and it has spread badly. He and his twin brother are nuts for John Deere and have always been .
Chances for a cure are extremely slim for him . But other kids are battling cancer , lots of them , they all need a cure.
I was wondering if you would honor this child, his determination and his love for John Deere by donating money to www.curesearch.org , they exclusively raise funds for childhood cancer research .
His name is Coleman Larson , you can read his story at http://www.carepages.com/carepages/ColemanScott
Also watch this video , you will see their love for your company!!!
PLEASE!!! Do this for them . also Dec 10th is their 5th birthday . it would just be awesome "
I pitched in for Team Larson!
I also pitched in for team Larson. Let's hope they listen to us
Hey I think we should start talking in a secret code here --- anybody know one?? :)
Lori Hogan
Ent-say my Omment-cay! That's Pig Latin and the only secret code I know Lori! ;)
I also left them a message...I hope they follow through!
I sent them a message BEGGING them to help... I sure hope they do! What a great idea!!!
Hi Michelle,
I actually contacted John Deere several months ago when Coleman was in the hospital in Iowa City, and they sent him a box of John Deere stuff. I was really impressed with them. I just finished up John Deere blankets for Coleman and Caden, in fact...just mailed them out this morning, so of course, I love your idea!!
Kathy (Oregon)
I pitched for Coleman.
Message sent! Great idea, Michelle!
I have done the duty! I am praying they will! What a great idea! Thanks for all you do!
The Wiezbiskie Family
Troy, Jennifer, Cosette, Ethan, Isabella, and Elijah (the dog)
Wonderful idea - I've added my request.
Sandy in Seattle
The deed is done. Praying for Coleman and that the right person picks up the JD comments and acts from the heart.
I sent a pitch for C-man!! Good idea, Michelle!
I left a message at John Deere for Coleman and posted the link to the video John Deere boys.
I pitched in for Team Larson. What a fantastic idea and you are all amazing people!!!!
Melissa Bice
I pitched for Coleman. I hope and pray they will come through. I do love that little man. I do not know him but have followed his carepage.
I left a message too. Praying that someone will hear our plea for Coleman.
I pitched in, too! Great idea! Those boys have stolen my heart!
I left my message as well!! Praying for miracles for Team Larson!
I did it! Hope we get a wonderful response!
I did it!
I love team Larson..what an inspiration they are. Having just buried my husband last week from this awful disease...I just cannot imagine one of my children having it. Those two boys have kept me smiling many, many days, God bless the whole family...they are always in prayer.
love always,
Denise lanford
Me too! I hope they do it. This was a great idea!
Hi, My name is Charlotte Cook and I just left a message at the John Deere site. I asked them to donate to CureSearch in Coleman's name. I so wish I could do more. I love that guy and brother.
I pitched in for Coleman, I love that little boy. Michelle you are a great person. Thanks for the great idea.
Kim Fissette
Love the idea!!! I did it twice just in case once wasn't enough :) !!!!
Rachael McGee (Houston)
I a long message on their website. I love the idea and hope that they take it to heart. Thanks so much for this idea.
Lisa in Houston Texas
I "did the duty" for Coleman. I'm praying John Deere will come through in a big way!
I have done my duty for Team Larson. What a wonderful family, and what a great blogger to help them out. Everyone has such big hearts!!!
I sent my message. ( I only wish that I had seen Mimi's first she is such a great writer!)
I just love the Larsons!
Loriann Ketcher
I sent my message to John Deere too. Hopefully hearing how little Coleman has touched so many lives will encourage them to support CureSearch. Thanks for coming up with this super idea. Sharon - Knoxville, Tn
I "Did the Duty". I hope that they will take our advice and donate a HUGE sum to curesearch.org.
I pitched in for Coleman and the Larson family. I am praying for you all everyday.
I have pitched for Coleman. I also searched their site and found the Manager of the John Deere Foundation Charitable Contributions. Her name is Cheryl Ashcraft, but the only contact info listed is a phone number. I am going to try to get an email address or at least a fax number so we can bombard her with letters too.
Deed done for Coleman!!!
I did my duty for Coleman. Great idea. I hope they get bombarded with pleas on behalf of Coleman.
I pitched in for Team Larson at the John Deere website. Hope to hear something great from them!!!!
I pitched in for Coleman!
I sent in my comments!
I pitched for Coleman and for all the kiddos suffering.
I sent my comment to John Deere :)
I did my part! Thank you for the great idea. And thank you for your great spirit in wanting to help the Larsons.
I did it too. I love this family. Coleman and Caden have stolen my heart. I pray so hard for God to heal the C-man, so he can grow up with Caden. I hope John Deere is the stand-up company I believe they are and makes a nice contribution in Coleman's and the Larson family's name.
I pitched in for Coleman.
I also left a comment for John Deere.
I sent a note to John Deere in support of Team Larson and Coleman.
Julie Dubie
Port Chester, NY
I "did my duty" for Team Larson.
I have been following Coleman's fight against cancer. What a precious boy with a great family.
Praying for a cure.
Here's my comments:
To Whom This May Concern,
My name is Jon Paquin and I'm 27 yrs. old and live in Southeast Michigan. Throughout the past year I have grown to absolutely fall in love with a family from Iowa better known as the Larson's or "Team Larson". You should know that I am a complete stranger to the Larson's; however, I consider myself family, as I have been a part of their online support community through carepages.com. Their journey began a little over 2 years ago when their son Coleman (age 2 1/2) was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Medulloblastoma. Coleman is now 4 years old and continues his battle with this disease having fought through brain surgery, chemo, a stem cell transplant, and so much more. Coleman is blessed by the support of an amazing family; twin brother Caden, father Scott & mother Peggy. This family has touched the lives of so many people in many parts of the country through their unwavering faith, love, and attitude.
So why am I writing you this, you ask? The Larson's aren't your average John Deere family....they are well above average!! At face value they may appear to be a typical member of Iowa's farming community, but in all actuality they are the definition of John Deere. A proud American family with hearts of gold and a sheer determination to plow through the harsh fields of life, while giving back to so many.
Coleman & Caden are absolutely infatuated with John Deere! Just ask Coleman what his favorite color is????
You should see the look on their faces when they get to go plow the field in the "big green machine" with daddy, or when the hometown fair floods the streets with John Deere equipment. As your number one fan, this family certainly deserves your support!
I ask that you please make a donation to www.curesearch.org in the name of Coleman Scott Larson.
Please visit Coleman at www.carepages.com
Carepage Name: ColemanScott
The photos, videos, and writings are life-altering and sure to capture your heart.
Thank you for your consideration!
I sent in a note as well. I hope enough are sent to flood them and push the idea straight to the top. Awesome idea! Thank you for giving us another way to help!
Praying in TN, Lora
I left a message. Thank you for the great idea!
Did my thing for support of this great idea in Colemans name!!! Power and strenght in numbers!!!
I did the duty! I hope it helps. I do not personally know the Larsons but I have such love for them. I really hope that the people at John Deere do this for Coleman!
I "did the duty" as well! How exciting!!
I pitched for Coleman.
Hi Michelle~
Ok I just finished my "duty". :) Hey its for Coleman how could you not, right?!
I went out today and "did the duty". I really hope they read all of the comments and are overwhelmed by the number they get in support of Team Larson so much that it moves them to make a BIG BIG donation!! Karen in Ohio
What a great idea!
This is Curt McCormick from CureSearch National Childhood Cancer Foundation. I saw this on Google alerts, and just had to write in.
I'd like to feature your blog today on our CureSearch blog. I hope this helps you with the John Deere initiative, and helps direct more people to sites like yours, which are so innovative and thoughtful regarding curing childhood cancer.
You can check out the CureSearch site at http://curesearchnccf.blogspot.com/
...and PLEASE KNOW what an inspiration you are to us. Folks in the childhood cancer community are so wonderful. We know who we work for at CureSearch, for you and for all these kids!
Congratulations and good luck with your idea. Email me offline if you want to talk more.
Best regards
Curt McCormick
awesome awesome awesome idea!
I left my pitch for them too :)
I pitched in for Team Larson - Go John Deere!!
Sent my message along with my prayers that this request will touch the hearts of the John Deere CEO'S!
I have done my duty and emailed John Deere. I am praying hard for a miracle for this team.
Yvonne in Michigan
I did it!!! I pray that JD comes through with a HUMONGEOUS donation, but most of all, I pray for a miracle for Coleman.
Smiles from south Texas
I sent them my plea! I hope hey listen. Thanks for the great idea!
I just sent my pitch to John Deere. I hope they have their ears open!
Darlene Barkman
I left a long comment but it was no where near as eloquently written at Mimi's! But it should add to the mound of comments that they will receive about this great lil' boy!
~Gina (FL)
I did it! :) Wrote to John Deere! Thanks Michelle...
I dit it! Thanks you guys
I did it I left a message to John Deere about Coleman and Team Larson! I hope John Deere will donate big to curesearch as big as a combine.
Kim Seattle
I live in Tonawanda NY (a suburb of Buffalo) and stumbled upon Coleman’s carepage sometime in April when the son of a friend of mine was diagnosed with AML. The entire Larson family has found a place in my heart! I think everyday, pray everyday and tell anyone who will listen and sometimes even people that don't want to listen about the Team Larson battle. I have laughed cried and prayed along with so many cancer moms that share their stories.
I also sent a plea to John Deere to help put a smile on the each member of the Larson family face. God bless you for putting this together!
I sent a comment, but forgot to leave the carepage, even after I had looked it up.
I sent my "book" of an email to John Deere :-) Thank you all who got together to get this going. We all pray that it works and that more lives are touched and more Team Larson members are added!
Heather Bolin
Cedar Rapids, IA
I also wrote to John Deer all about Colman, Lets pray they do something....
Natalie Browning
I just finished pitching for Coleman. Let's pray they listen to us. I also have a friend who works for John Deere. I am going to email him directly and see what he can do.
Great idea! THanks for letting us all help.
I'm one of those background readers that doesn't usually make any comments but I pitched in and left a comment about Team Larson and Coleman on the John Deere web site. This is a wonderful thing you're getting organized. Coleman's story is very touching. I'm a twin myself so I suppose I can relate to that part as well. Good luck and I hope John Deere comes through.
That Mimi sure has a way to put things succinctly. I thought the note in her comment here was right on target.
Steve Montgomery
We pitched in for C-man! We have never met the family but we feel like they are part of our family.
I did the duty and also I am sending Coleman's story to Oprah and Ellen in hope that they also may be able to help. I do not know Coleman or his family but my heart breaks daily for him.
I posted for Coleman!
Here's my comment!
Hello John Deere Company!
I am writing (as are many others) for Coleman Larson, a brave little 4-year-old fighting his second relapse of brain cancer. He and his twin brother, Caden, live on a farm in Iowa with their parents Peggy and Scott. Together they are Team Larson, and as Coleman says, "Team Larson nevah divs (gives) up!". The boys LOVE John Deere - Team Larson's colors are green and yellow, and are on everything from wristbands to t-shirts.
Any kindness your company could show this strong family would be greatly appreciated and respected by thousands of people across the country who follow Coleman's story and try to support his family. A donation to CureSearch would be an excellent way to put John Deere's strength towards Team Larson and the fight against pediatric cancer.
John Deere has already touched these boys' lives indirectly. They love you, and it would be incredible to see their excitement if they saw that John Deere loves them back!
Thank you!
I pitched in for Team Larson!
Oh how could I not pitch for sweet lil Coleman, I love that kid (and his family) soooo much! This was such a great idea Michelle. It's so fun to read all your comments & see who has reached out for Team Larson.
God bless!
Anything for TEAM LARSON and the main men Coleman and Caden. I hope John Deere pulls through for them.
I also sent emails to Oprah and Ellen just to see if maybe just maybe they could also help; I know it is a long shot but for Coleman it is all worth it.
I sent my plea into John Deere from central Illinois for Coleman.I understand how it is to receive little or no funds for cancer research. I have a rare form of terminal cancer and we receive nothing at all for our research. We have to raise it all ourselves thru awareness.
I pray that John Deere will contribute to this terrible disease for all of the children.
God bless you.
Just letting you know that "I did the duty". Heres to hoping and PRAYING for a cure for our little Coleman and all his buddies.
Tracy Cannell
Washington State
I've done it! :) Thank you for your tremendous efforts in supporting Team Larson.
i did it! :)
Oh, this old grandma just now saw that we were supposed to come back here and report. In addition to my personal involvement, I also told them that I was old enough (running up on 70) to suggest doing something with National awareness of them because it *does* help at lease some, and can hurt little. John Deere's a BIG name!
My pitch for Coleman is in -- Jackie
Done in Coleman's honor!! Great idea. Thanks so much!
I pitched the following to John Deere for Coleman:
"I'm another advocate for Coleman Larsen, a big fan of John Deere and a kid with brain cancer. On behalf of Coleman, and really all of the pediatric cancer fighters and survivors, I would hope that you will consider making a donation to curesearch.org in Coleman's name. Did you know that the government gives over 20% of their NIH budget to breast and prostate cancer, but only 3% to ALL 12 childhood cancers? 1 out of 300 children will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 21. Please join the fight!!"
I am the mom to Sammy, 10, who is a cancer survivor. Check her out on hopeonwheels.com or our carepage: "SammySalsa" The carepage is and was my blog from day 1 of being a cancer mom.
I put in my pitch for Team Larson; what a great idea! So many of us are praying, but also want to help in other ways....here's a way.
ANother note to John Deere DONE!
Kelly, ANn Arbor, MI
Okay. I should have read both links from Dawn's page. I just submitted my request to John Deere.
Thanks, Michelle, for uniting us for Coleman.
Larsons, we love you!
I just emailed John Deere!
I just emailed John Deere! I asked for a combine sized donation...let's pray that they hear our voices!
Diane in Pella
wanted to let you know. I let my voice be heard to John deer. I also wrote a letter to NBC everyone has a story. I do hope that they contact you and help you on your quest for these little men.
thank you for your loving heart
I sent in a request to JD and I'll talk to my DH tonight. He works for JD. Not sure he has any pull but I can see what he may be able to manage.
I sent an email as well...hope it works!!
found who to talk to @ Deere....Cheryl Salley
She is Mgr, Community Relations & Sponsored Programs
Don't give up on Jphn Deere....all dealerships are independantly owned, so go local to see wht you dealership can do for Cancer Research!!!!
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