Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Please help tip the scales...

I am letting my good friend Bob Piniewski hi-jack my blog today. Bob is AJ's dad. Go over to carepages.com/AJsSpace and see their story, it is one you will never forget. If you have hung around my blog long enough, you know how passionate I am about finding a cure for Childhood Cancer! Well, leave it to Bob to TRULY help make a difference. If you have ever known of a child with cancer or you just hope and pray that word NEVER enters your house in the form of a diagnosis, please pass the link to this post on to everyone you know. If we all just link arms and tell a story, we could CHANGE THE WORLD! Bob....have at it! OK - Another Change.gov opportunity. From the Change.gov website: "Share your ideas on any issue facing the new administration, then rate or comment on other ideas. The best rated ideas will rise to the top -- and be gathered into a Citizen's Briefing Book to be delivered to President Obama after he is sworn in."We got an early start. Right now "Increased Funding for Childhood Cancer" is the #2 rated idea. Close your eyes and imagine this: Obama walks into the Oval Office and settles in on January 26th. He is handed The Citizen's Briefing Book - outlining the issues facing the new administration. He opens it up. The first issue facing the new administration is "Increased Funding for Childhood Cancer". There are over 500 comments and stories for him to read.Can any human being see that and read that and not do something about it? Go to http://citizensbriefingbook.change.gov/home, log in, search childhood cancer. Go to the answer with the most comments. Vote it up. Leave your story in the comments. Invite him to the CureSearch Milestone Walk June 21, 2009 in Washington DC.let's do it......let's put these kids where they deserve...first place! Please forward to your contacts. Thank you all so much. AJs Dad AJsspace - http://www.carepages.com/ Join People Against Childhood Cancer - http://curechildhoodcancer.ning.com/ Sign the Cure Childhood Cancer Petition - http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/CureChildhoodCancer


Nanny said...

Thank you Michelle for posting this information. I hope everyone signs the petition... We must have a cure for Childhood Cancer! NOW!

I love the idea of the Citizen's Briefing Book. If everyone takes the time to write their story and vote up "Increased Funding for Childhood Cancer" President Obama has to listen, take action and quite possibly... change the world.

Anonymous said...

I agree we must curb childhood cancer.

Anonymous said...

well i dont think govt is doing anything for it.

Anonymous said...

thanks up head

Ginny Clark said...

as of 1/14/09; Bob's posting was the 3rd most popular.... lets get the word out there.

Anonymous said...

I'm AMAZED at the lack of responses this posting about Childhood Cancer has received compared to the Acai Berry/Colon Cleanse responses. What's more important??

Let's just hope everyone is visiting the petition site and signing it!

Theresa said...

Thought I'd leave my comment here since you only got 7 comments about this topic.

You got 18 about the colon cleanse!

Love your blog. I am here often but don't always have time to say HEY!

Love you, T

Theresa said...

Ha ha, I just read the comment above mine!