Have you ever just felt like a good hardy belly laugh would knock you right out of a bad mood? Have you ever surfed the net looking for a good read only to find hum drum blog posts? Well, come April 1st (yes, April Fool's Day) you can have that kind of laughter at your fingertips...all day long! And until then, you can put this blog,
Because I Said So, in your favorites.
Dawn Meehan, the infamous mommy blogger whose humorous storytelling knack sold a pack Pokemon Cards on ebay for hundreds of dollars and garnered a million hits on her blog in one month, has been busy writing...and writing...and writing. The Pokemon auction went viral and got the attention of agents and editors across the globe which ended with a two book deal with Guideposts Book.
In an interview with ChristianNewsWire.com, Linda Cunningham, Vice President and Editor-in-Chief of Books & Inspirational Media at Guideposts said,
"We're thrilled to publish Dawn on the Guideposts Books Spring trade list. Other moms clearly identify with her hectic family life, and love the way she rolls with it all by using her unabashed sense of humor. Clearly anyone who has built a single blog into a 40,000 plus daily readership practically overnight like Dawn has done, has something to say that people want to hear."
Just in case you missed it in its email inbox fiesta, you can read WHY Dawn sold a brand new pack of Pokemon Cards
Dawn's first book,
Because I Said So, comes out April 1st and promises to take the mom world by storm. Our husbands already think we sit on our butt all day so now we can...while we read the hysterical accounts in vivid detail in this book that will become like a best friend.
"Stories more gripping than duct tape and humor funnier than a stand-up comic! I laughed until cappuccino came out my nose. Many have claimed to be the next Erma Bombeck, but only Dawn Meehan can rightfully wear that bathrobe. Hers is the permanent new voice of parenting humor for us all." says Debi Stack, author of Smotherly LoveTM: I Know Where Your Buttons Are and I'm Not Afraid to Push Them

Dawn Meehan is an amazing mom. She's fun, she has a blast with her children and her writing will draw you into her life and make you glad you don't live in her house. She has weathered children dying themselves blue, Sharpie marker on the walls, butter in the carpets and kids locked in the bathroom and she lived to tell about it.
My proof copy of this book brought my family around the table together each night. After cleaning up the dinner dishes, I would sit back down at the table with a cup of coffee and start reading. Within minutes I was howling so loud my kids couldn't hear the TV. My family would come back to the table to hear the stories of Dawn's six kids...well, 7, if you count her husband. It went on my kids' reading logs for school more than once!
After I finished reading it, my son started taking it to school for his silent reading time. Not so silent was he as he giggled through each chapter. His teachers asked him to read it out loud one day, and from that day on he was in the spotlight during that class to open the period with giggles as he read Dawn’s shenanigans to the whole class.
She’s just THAT fun!
Just in time for Mother's Day shopping, this book proves to be the next big hit in the world of motherhood. Watch the net for some virtual book tours making their way into your favorites list. She will be here on My SEMBLANCE, I hope! I will be sure to keep you updated.
Head over to
Amazon.comand pre-order your copy now...you won't regret it!

And I just had to throw this picture in...Mimi, Me and Dawn enjoying each other's company in Chicago!
I can't wait for that book to come out! I am a faithful follower of Dawn's and talk to her on FB often. She is hilarious, but down to Earth too. When she announced the new release time for her book, my husband was told exactly what I want for Mother's Day!
Ya mean you aren't giving one away? Poo.
Great review! I'll have to start saving my extra pennies! Sounds like a fab read!
I've held a copy of Dawn's book in my actual little hand. Unfortunately only had time to read the covers. Can't wait to get my own copy. Maybe I'll win the auction!!!
How cool! This book sounds wonderful.
I love the picture of the three of you!
love T
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