Friday, September 21, 2007

Count to Sleep...

1 fluffy pillow to lay my sleepy head. 2 tired eyes; it must be time for bed. 3 goodnight kisses on my weary cheek. 4 gentle moonbeams through my window leak. 5 big yawns, sleepy time is near. 6 magic words whispered in my ear. (“Sweet dreams honey, I love you!”) 7 tosses and turns, time to turn out the light. 8 silly shadows welcome in the night. 9 short dreams of ice cream cones and flowers… ….and finally… 10 looooooooooong sleepy hours.


Sherri said...

Climbing into my bed at night with my book and laptop is always the highlight of my day...haha!!!
I LOVE bedtime!

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

I hadn't looked at this in that way!! :)

This is a manuscript for a children's book but I guess it COULD be MY night time routine...except I LAUGH at the 10 hours....more like 4!!